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Find Your Elected Officials

Sometimes it may be hard to remember that elected officials work for the public when it's difficult for the public to contact them -- whether to express concerns or advocate for change.  Whatever your political affiliations, contact with elected representatives, local, state and federal, is a component of a functioning democracy.  

Use this link  to find your representatives in the Missouri General Assembly and the U.S. Congress, as well as statewide elected officials.  

LWV Missouri provides a complete list of federal and state officials here.

How and Why to Contact Elected Officials

Your governmental representatives look forward to “opinions from the grassroots.” They want to know the views of their voters and emails and phone calls are the best indication of what those voters are thinking. Don’t hesitate to contact him/her for fear of imposing on them. If you have something that you think should be called to their attention, do so! Voters get top priority with most elected officials – they want to keep their voters happy. 

Best Way to Make Contact

• Email: In the age of technology, emailing your legislator is the fastest way to reach them.
• Phone call: Office staff can take a message and pass it on to your legislator. 
• Snail mail: A letter can be mailed although this method takes the longest. A letter can also be hand delivered to your legislator’s office or to the mailroom. 


Dos • Do address your representative properly. • Do be brief and to the point. 
• Discuss only one issue and identify a bill by its bill number. 
• Do be courteous and reasonable.
• Do contact your legislator when he/she does something of which you approve. 
Don’ts• Don’t begin on a righteous note of “as a citizen and a taxpayer.” Your representative assumes you are a citizen and knows we all pay taxes. 
• Don’t be rude or threatening. 
• Don’t be vague.
• Don’t ignore your legislator and write to one from another district because you disagree politically with yours.
• Don’t apologize for taking their time. If you are brief and express your opinion, he/she is glad to have the contact